What I learnt from Christianity
I’ve been a Christian for a couple of years now. Many things I’ve had to learn and unlearn. Many things I didn’t understand because I really wasn’t at a place to receive the knowledge and understanding. Although I knew the story of Jesus, his life, his death and resurrection, I never fully grasped the magnitude of what he did for us until now. Yes what he did for you and me. He did it all for us, so that we could have hope in him. He said that he came to give life and life abundantly. Life abundantly means more than our eyes can see and heart can imagine. It means beyond our natural limits with his supernatural power we will breakdown barriers, cause us to break out of the shackles that keep us bounded, push past our fears to live the life that God has created for us.
Today I encourage you to lay down your burdens , your shame, your brokenness, your pain, your doubts at his feet and let him transform your life. He can and will do it for you because the truth is ; he loves you with an everlasting heart, nothing can separate you from his love. He loves you just the way you are. His love is unconditional!